Setup or Modify your Account’s profile information

You can setup your own account information. You can also change your account’s credentials at any time. To do so, open the drop-down menu with your account name in the upper-right corner of the screen and select “My Account”.

On the resulting screen, select the “Profile” button, which will take you to the desired screen with credentials:

Here, you can add / modify your first name, last name, phone number, address, Zip/Postal code, city, country, company name and tax ID number. Simply click on the Edit Info Button on each section to gain access.

As long as you are the owner of the account’s email address, you will also be able to change it with the help of a confirmation email that will be sent to the current email address. Please note that it would also change your account’s login.

It’s also possible to change your account’s password this way. When you change your password, you have the option force all currently logged in devices to log in again with the new password.

Keep in mind that when you send an email signed with certain credentials, this identification information has to be valid for 60 days in advance.

Note: When sending an email campaign, you will be prompted to insert the {accountaddress} tag / merge field in your template. This is to validate who the sender is for the campaign. The information you add here / to your Account credentials will be pulled through with this merge field.

It is recommended that all mail campaigns include the {accountaddress} and {unsubscribe} merge fields – the system will not send any campaign without the unsubscribe option. (Most clients include this as a standard footer.)

Sample of how the footer views once you have inserted the merge field:

Sample of how the footer will view in the inbox: