Editing your Template – Using the Drag and Drop feature of MyMail

Once you have opened your template by simply clicking on the picture of it, or choosing the preview feature from the kebab menu, you will have a full screen view of the mailer, to start editing.

The Drag and Drop features are located on the right of your template screen.
There are 3 tabs to work from, the Layout, Design and Styles tab.

• The Design Tab

The main display settings of your template are set here.

The selected parameters are suggestions by the system, in-line with mail standisation rules.

A top margin (spacing before your mailer starts) of 50px is standard.

The mailer width of 600px is also standard. You can customise these settings, but remember to test in vaious email clients to see how your mailer previews. Golden rule: most internet traffic (above 75%) is done on mobile, that also means that clients are more likely to read their email on their mobile devices – therefor a max width of 600px will suffice.

The width of the mail body is indicated below in purple.

Should you wish to make use of a border around your template body area, you can set the border style, colour and width in the Design tab.

The Body colour of your mail template refers to the inside colour of mailer body – which in this preview is set to a solid white. To change the colour, simply click on the colour block, select a colour you like and click on Choose. The body colour option and preview is indicated with red in this screenshot.

The Background colour refers to the empty/floating area around your mailer body, which in this case is a soft gray. The background colour option and preview is indicated with orange in this screenshot.