Once you have logged into your MyMail account, choose the Templates option on your dashboard’s left task colomn to start working.

Once you have opened your template by simply clicking on the picture of it, or choosing the preview feature from the kebab menu, you will have a full screen view of the mailer, to start editing.

Once you have opened your template to start editing it, the first edit feature most people attend to is the Text edit.

When selecting an image in your template (it can be one that is either pre-placed in the template or if you make use of the drag-and-drop image element), a handy toolbox allows you to edit it.

Most Gallery Templates include a button that has been placed in the template. Editing it is really simple!

Most Gallery Templates include a social media section that has been placed in the template. Here’s how to work the options.

Drag n Drop Features are located on the right of your template screen – there are 3 tabs to work from.

Drag n Drop Features are located on the right of your template screen – there are 3 tabs to work from.